Service Log:
Service Encounters

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Date Start Time End Time Session Intensity Notes Status Action
Date Start Time End Time Session Intensity Notes Status Action
05/01/2017 10:30 10:45 I Individual (Make Up) (08/01/2016) S: Mom notes that Paisley is doing well. She feels that the torticollis is resolving nicely with the exception of when she is tired or fussy, and then it's more noticeable. O: Worked with Paisley on stretching the right SCM, passively side bending to the left and rotating to the right while in sitting and supine. Worked on active and active assisted range of motion into right rotation while watching a toy and giving support at the trunk in order to prevent trunk rotation as a compensation. Open Edit  |  Delete
03/01/2017 15:10 16:05 I Individual S: Mom notes that Asher is walking now at least 80% of the time. He is able to walk with the "backpack" on as well as his small medical monitor attached to the back of his shirt. She feels that he is doing very well with his motor skills. O: Worked with Asher today on standing from the floor and walking across the room to get a toy from his sister. Open Edit  |  Delete
08/01/2016 N/A N/A Absent Child / Family Unavailable Open Edit  |  Delete

Date Start Time End Time Session Intensity Notes Status Action
Date Start Time End Time Session Intensity Notes Status Action
05/01/2017 10:30 10:45 I Individual Notes from session. Open Edit  |  Delete
03/01/2017 15:10 16:05 I Individual Notes from session. Open Edit  |  Delete
08/01/2016 N/A N/A Absent Child / Family Unavailable Open Edit  |  Delete

Date Start Time End Time Session Intensity Notes Status Action
Date Start Time End Time Session Intensity Notes Status Action
05/01/2017 10:30 10:45 I Individual (Make Up) (08/01/2016) S: Mom notes that Paisley is doing well. She feels that the torticollis is resolving nicely with the exception of when she is tired or fussy, and then it's more noticeable. O: Worked with Paisley on stretching the right SCM, passively side bending to the left and rotating to the right while in sitting and supine. Worked on active and active assisted range of motion into right rotation while watching a toy and giving support at the trunk in order to prevent trunk rotation as a compensation. Open Edit  |  Delete
03/01/2017 15:10 16:05 I Individual S: Mom notes that Asher is walking now at least 80% of the time. He is able to walk with the "backpack" on as well as his small medical monitor attached to the back of his shirt. She feels that he is doing very well with his motor skills. O: Worked with Asher today on standing from the floor and walking across the room to get a toy from his sister. Open Edit  |  Delete
08/01/2016 N/A N/A Absent Child / Family Unavailable Open Edit  |  Delete

Date Start Time End Time Session Intensity Notes Status Action
Date Start Time End Time Session Intensity Notes Status Action
05/01/2017 10:30 10:45 I Individual Notes from session. Open Edit  |  Delete
03/01/2017 15:10 16:05 I Individual Notes from session. Open Edit  |  Delete
08/01/2016 N/A N/A Absent Child / Family Unavailable Open Edit  |  Delete