III. Child and Family Outcomes

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view_day  Adult Learning

This information will help you support your child’s participation in your everyday activities and routines based on your priorities for his / her learning and development. The activities you focus on as outcomes serve as a measure of your child’s progress but will not be the only activities worked on with your team.

view_day  Outcomes

Based upon information from your child's present levels of development and shared reports, your child’s strengths and needs, your family’s concerns, priorities, and resources, and your daily routines, this plan outlines what we want to accomplish and the specific steps required. Please discuss your priority outcomes for your child and / or family, including specific skills and context. A separate "Child and Family Outcomes" form is completed for each outcome.

Current Outcomes
Child and Family Outcome  
Outcome 2: Jasfer will participate in playtime by playing calmly with her brother so that everyone remains happy and safe. The children are able to play during the morning play time 4 days a week without wrestling and crying for one month, by Nov. 2018. Edit  |  Remove
Outcome 3: Jasfer will participate in outings by following Mom's directions so that she stays safe. Jasfer follows Mom's directions to stay with her in the OT waiting room each week for 2 months, by Sept. 2018. Edit  |  Remove